
Ultrasound Monitoring(UE)

Human hearing capacity is in range of 20Hz to 20 KHz and the ultrasonic sound being monitored is sound waves that occur in the 20KHz to 100 KHz range, making it impossible for early detection of a developing problem without the competent use of an Ultra Probe.

Ultra-probe is sensible enough to detect pinhole leakage as low as 1psi.Ultrasound is a very good go-no-go tool for predictive maintenance. It can give you a very early indication of developing faults. Once you detect issues with ultrasound you can further investigate the vibration spectrum for detailed analysis.


Wide Area of Application

  • Early-stage bearing defects
  • Lubrication issues – both over and under lubrication
  • Leak detection in pressure and vacuum systems
  • Steam trap, valves, seals and gaskets leak detection
  • Corona, arcing and tracking in electrical systems
  • Low RPM (up to 1 RPM) assets predictive maintenance

Benefits of Ultrasound

  • Reduced wear and operating costs for compressors.
  • Early fault detection reduces risk of failure of plant machinery
  • Ability to quickly locate costly leaks reducing waste and downtime
  • Ultrasonic technique detects many problems that cannot be distinguished in the normal audible range due to surrounding background noise.
  • Ultrasonic technique is non-destructive and does not adversely affect or interfere with the component, equipment or system being accessed.
  • Ultrasonic testing can be performed while equipment is in operation